Renegade Business Practices
  • Renegade Business Practices

Renegade Business Practices

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Name of Workshop: Renegade Business Practices

Total Hours: 3

Workshop Description: This workshop uses an all-encompassing, 360-degree approach to creating and selling audio recordings in the digital age. This workshop will provide the students with the innovative and entrepreneurial framework to navigate the radically transformed traditional

Name of Workshop: Renegade Business Practices

Total Hours: 3

Workshop Description: This workshop uses an all-encompassing, 360-degree approach to creating and selling audio recordings in the digital age. This workshop will provide the students with the innovative and entrepreneurial framework to navigate the radically transformed traditional business functions and practices of the music industry. Students will learn how the digital age has revolutionized the creation and selling of audio recordings. Upon completion of this workshop the students will be able to draw on the digital possibilities of this revolution to chart their own course through the music business.

Workshop Learning Outcomes:

Successful completion on this workshop will enable the student to

  • Blend the traditional roles of the music business into a comprehensive, 360-degree business model designed for the contemporary marketplace.
  • Generate new business opportunities by combining cutting edge social media and digital tools with old school marketing principles.
  • Employ audio creation techniques for new media platforms.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in contemporary digital work practices.
  • Identify short-term and long-term revenue stream opportunities.
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