Learning Music
  • Learning Music

Learning Music

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Name of Workshop: Music Appreciation

Total Hours: 3

Workshop Description: Music Appreciation seeks to inform the student about the beginnings of North American music, to explain 21th Century music in terms of the origins of the popular styles of blues, jazz, country, rock, and pop, and survey the Western "Classical" tradition from the middle ages

Name of Workshop: Music Appreciation

Total Hours: 3

Workshop Description: Music Appreciation seeks to inform the student about the beginnings of North American music, to explain 21th Century music in terms of the origins of the popular styles of blues, jazz, country, rock, and pop, and survey the Western "Classical" tradition from the middle ages to the 21th century. The class concludes with lectures on the significant music produced by popular artists musicians in the 21st century. Goals for the class range from raising awareness of the various elements, origins, and developments in music, as well as enhancing critical thinking skills of evaluating music and then putting a cognitive critique in writing. By the end of the workshop, the student should have the background for appreciating the major genres of music with which they are most likely to come into contact with, as well as having a deeper ability to appreciate the various primary elements of any musical creation and/or performance. (This workshop is a four part series offering)

Workshop Learning Outcomes:

Successful completion of this workshop will enable the student to:

  • Identify elements in music, which define style, genre and period.
  • Develop listening skills concerning the various elements of music.
  • Develop a vocabulary necessary to communicate the attributes of music as they relate to the various elements in music and historical periods.
  • Define historical style periods in Western music.
  • Identify Popular artists and musicians and music related to style periods in western music.
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